Mystery Ghost House in Pondok Indah

Mystery Ghost House in Pondok Indah, This is a place that is located in Jakarta Indonesia. The story began when he was hit picket on Sunday, and return at 10 pm. Before he drove his girlfriend home to Bintaro area. Back home in a taxi via the Pondok Indah. Around 11 pm, the taxi broke down in front of a mansion. Suddenly there was a father who came out of the house over to the taxi driver. He offers to lend equipment to fix cars. He also gave a spark plug.  Location of damage to the car it was on the wrong spark plugs that crashed. The host offers to pair plugs. While my friend, approached an attendant and given water. At this point the taxi driver and my friend has not been suspicious. Just as he remembered the house look bright and lively. Even the sound of people playing basketball. There is also a piano sound. The host and his assistant are very friendly at all.


Once repaired, they are roads. Arriving at the next red light Mal Pondok Indah they were stopped by police who drove motor. he initially thought the driver violates traffic signs. But the cop just wanted to ask: when the taxi broke down, is there a father out. The driver answered, yes. The police warn to be careful through there. Because the approach they are not human but ghostly inhabitants of the house. That said, the house was once lived a family. One day they and their aides in a flock of slaughter by the mugger. Everything dies. Some say the motive of business competition. The robbery was only a cover. After several days of events, started a lot of strange things in strange house, the more haunted. Word stories of people, many taxi drivers who passed away disturbed. There is also a story, the crack of dawn or sunset out looks like a small boy playing basketball in the parking lot. The house is now overgrown with tall grass, just not well maintained. That is if during the day. If the evening, the house looks so nice. He said the house was sold for 150 million, but did not conduct behavior.  Back to the story my friend. For some reason, after police stopped the taxi would not come on again. The driver remembered, had not the host pair of spark plugs. Do not .... And sure enough it turned into a spark plug of fragrant wood. My friend immediately replace the cab. After coming back he immediately vomited vomiting. Chills through his body, his eyes bulging continue. His face was ashen. Once called religious teachers, he began to realize. And finally tell the story. The water that he drank just came out. The color of the water that had been white, to red ... .. like blood. Ihhh. Very scary, although not a direct Seeing.

Et al might already know the story on the incident ini. It may be true, it could be ... (up). But when I want to sleep there is a feeling of fear. But I never realized there are people dying that haunts. All of that behavior by Satan to frighten frightening men, that his faith faded. But still scary ... especially after I knew from my friend's mouth was red like blood out of the water.



  1. Yes, I have ever past through this house multiple times when I want to go to the mall. But I never seen something strange like that. People said that house was haunted, you dare to go in?

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