Aokigahara Forest People Places Suicide in Japan

At the foot of Mount Fuji, Japan there is a forest area of ​​32 square kilometers. The forest was named Aokigahara. I was so thick, the forest was nicknamed "sea of ​​trees". Aokigahara Forest has beautiful rocks and caves of ice that some of them become popular tourist destinations. But that's not the most attractive of the forest. But, the fact that Aokigahara Forest is a popular spot for suicide. Aokigahara also known as sea area of ​​trees, the forest was so thick. This forest is located at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. Interestingly, in this forest are found many stone caves icy for years. Local residents claimed that the forest is the center of many supernatural phenomena. Legend growing forests called it saves a lot of mystery that is difficult to explain and uncover. There is also a nest of strange animals, monsters, ghosts, goblins, and scary stories has spread throughout Japan and even around the world.

Another uniqueness of this forest is a forest located in the volcanic rocks are difficult to penetrate the heavy equipment apapun.Meskipun this place is described as the most horrible place, but there are hunters who tried to break through to get there. As a guide, they just follow the path of plastic rope to mark the spot. Was deliberately ribbed plastic is made so that the hunters do not tersesat.Tempat most famous tourist attractions in the forest it is, Ice Cave and Wind Cave. Ever also there is a hunter / wayward tourists who try not to follow the path string. As a result, he never returned. Their bodies were discovered a few years later, it was just a skeleton. That said, those who are dying of curiosity location iini a ghost haunts the forest. The ghosts often show up on photographs freehand tourists. The news circulating, this place also poluler as the place to commit suicide, after the Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco. This was reinforced by data that from the 1950s until now, has more than 500 people were killed here, mostly from suicide. On average each year 30 people have committed suicide here. But the biggest record of 2002 which found 78 bodies, was defeated in 1998 which found 73 corpses in the woods.

The high rate of suicide in the woods it makes local officials gave the signs on the trail in the forest, it also puts the police in the post forest. In 2007, 71% of suicides committed by men, many of which are aged in their 30s. Thanks to a group of policemen who diligently berpatroni there, the suicide rate can be lowered, at least the police managed to secure the 83 people who intend to commit suicide there. The story of the mystery of this forest and the tendency of people want to kill myself, then filmed with the title, Jyukai in 2004.
What is also interesting, here the police often find wallets contain sizable amounts of money, which allegedly is the wallet of those who committed suicide. Money raised from the purses that had reached 370 000 yen, equivalent to 3760 U.S. dollars, or USD 33.8 million.

The news reporter who obtained it quickly blew across the country, so predictably, many people come there is not just a tourist, but to find a treasure trove of purses suicide. This diperkuatdengan the claims of a number of visitors who claimed to find a wallet, credit cards, subscription cards also train driver's license. The high suicide rate is indeed very alarming the Japanese government. Because suicide is not only the forest but also in some places in Japan. It is estimated that the main problem the high suicide in Japan because of high unemployment due to economic recession in the 90's, depression and social pressures. For the record suicide, Japan is one country that the average suicide rate highest in the world. Especially since 2008, the economic situation in Japan worsened due to the global financial crisis, and this has prompted the suicide rate in Japan is higher again.



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